Hello unicorn teacher! Have you been thinking about starting a Teachers Pay Teachers shop? Or maybe you already have a shop and want to branch out into a new product line? Maybe you want to stretch your creativity a little and try creating something new that supports teachers or other TPT sellers in a different way! If you fit into any of those scenarios, you’ll love this list of TPT product ideas that you can make and add to your shop!
Printable Classroom Decor
Teachers are always looking for fresh, new classroom decor, especially if they love changing up their classroom themes! From posters, labels, name tags, calendars, bulletin boards, and more, you can put together ready to print sets of themed classroom decor. If you save your original template, it’s super easy to swap out the clipart and fonts and make several different variations to offer! You’ll have a whole product line in no time!
Teacher Planners
There is always room for new planners! Teachers love and rely on planners, as do Teachers Pay Teachers sellers! There’s so many options and variations you could include to make a teacher planner versatile and customizable. You can include printable and digital versions, lots of cute cover options in different themes, color and black and white, and lots of added page options that teachers may need for their specific situation.
Templates are such a time saver! You can make a template for almost anything that sellers and teachers can use over and over again. Anything that saves time and makes things quicker and easier will be extremely useful and helpful, and therefore will sell well! You can make templates for teachers to use for newsletters, schedules, worksheets, and forms. You can make templates for TPT sellers to use for products like games, interactive notebooks, task cards, classroom decor, and more!
Editable Organizational Labels
Is there anything in a classroom that doesn’t need a label? A few years ago I remember when a certain tool box of drawers became crazy popular among teachers, and they labeled all the drawers for things like staples, tape, highlighters, pencils, etc. Sellers made these labels ready to print in all kinds of cute fonts and clipart themes to match the teachers’ classroom themes. These could be made for those plastic drawer containers and various other containers that teachers use too.
Student Gift Printables
These save teachers so much sanity around every holiday or school occasion! While holidays are fun for kids, it just adds to teachers’ and parents’ to do lists (as I’m sure you know!). Making something super easy to grab and print, and staple to a fun size bag of candy or a pencil will make holidays so much easier for teachers!
TPT Sellers are always looking for the PERFECT font to use in their products! I don’t know about you, but I spent about 20% of my time making the actual thing, and the other 80% choosing the perfect font for it. I love fonts and can never have enough! Though it does require some know-how, it’s nothing a quick Google or Youtube search can’t help you learn!
Clipart is my specialty! If you love drawing, you will love adding clipart to your TPT shop! It may seem like clipart is very saturated, not just on TPT but on the internet in general, there is always room for your unique style! People love having a variety of options and using different clipart to make their products stand out. And like fonts, this does require some know-how, but there’s lots of flexibility in tools and programs you can use to make it. More on that in future blog posts!
Bulletin Board Kits
This is another one that saves teachers time and brain space, especially if they don’t enjoy creative endeavors and having to come up with something is stressful. You could even take this a step further and offer printed, ready to put up packages on Etsy! Also, if you want to make these, double check with your font makers and clipartists that they allow this in their terms of use, or if they have certain rules they’d like you to follow, such as making sure everything is secure and flattened within a PDF, and you’re not just reselling their products as is.
TPT Seller Tools
Like teachers, TPT sellers often feel like they wear ALL the hats! We have to create the products, photograph the products, market the products, write blog posts about the products, describe the products, and the list goes on! Anything that can automate or simplify any step in that process is very much appreciated! Lately, product photography mockups are becoming popular. Templates and idea lists for emails, videos, social media posts, product descriptions, and anything for marketing products is a huge help! I hate marketing, so I love soaking in all the ideas and advice!
Just like everything else in the 90’s and early 2000’s, spreadsheets are making a comeback! I LOVE spreadsheets but I definitely don’t have the knack for designing them. My super smart husband does, though! Spreadsheets to simplify taxes, data analysis, and all the clerical stuff is especially helpful. I love to use them as check lists too!
I hope you got some inspiration from these product ideas! There are lots of ways to support teachers and Teachers Pay Teachers sellers in addition to making lesson plans and activities.
If you need some vibrant watercolor clipart to make your new creations pop, check out my shop on TPT, Etsy, or here on my website!
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Thanks for being here! Happy creating!