Shopping season is upon us, unless you’re a super awesome organized person who had your Christmas shopping finished weeks (or months, you unicorn!) ago. For the rest of us, we’re starting to stress about only having a few weeks until the holidays and we have to decide what to buy for all our loved ones. I’m here to help make that a little easier for you! If you have an online teacher in your life, chances are they LOVE their job and all the knick-knacks that come with it. These are the people squealing over finger puppets in the Target Dollar Spot, or stealing their kids’ toys because they need them for props for that day’s lesson. They are surprisingly easy to buy for! Here are five things any online teacher will love you for!

1.All things dry-erase. Boards, markers, and erasers! We use them constantly! I’ve seen some serious dry-erase artists on Instagram. I also sometimes have super cute and washable crocheted dry-erase board erasers in my Etsy shop!

2.A laminator, laminating pouches, and magnets. We will never, ever, ever, have enough of these. We need all the props, all the rewards, and this is an awesome way to make them space-friendly and budget friendly. I dare you to get these for your favorite online teacher and try to tell me they don’t tear up when they open them.
3.Toys (yes, seriously!). Props, people! We need more props! All of the props! We need animals, grandma, grandma, mom, dad, brother, sister, food, sports, you name it! We will use it!
4.A Teachers Pay Teachers or Etsy gift card. If you’re still skeptical and feeling insecure about handing someone a gift that you feel is ridiculous, leave it up to them! There is some amazing talent on Teachers Pay Teachers and Etsy! Let your favorite online teacher pick out their own gift! And then you can feel proud when they choose the unicorn onesie that you didn’t have the nerve to give them!
5.Pajama pants (again, yes, seriously). Let’s be honest. Online teachers work at home. We’re either wearing yoga pants or pajama pants. Business on the top, party on the bottom. And we often end up spilling our coffee on our “work clothes” when we’re trying to smoothly demonstrate “glide like an eagle” at three in the morning. We need all the pajama pants.
And there you have it! I hope you have fun shopping for that awesome online teacher in your life! If you have more ideas, leave them in the comments! Happy shopping!